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LispNYC awards a Certificate of Awesome to those exceptional participants that received a high score by our panel of judges. This is a powerful public declaration of achievement to capable developers who have demonstrated excellence in both their coding skills and project presentation.
First Name | Last Name | Country | Project Name | LISP dialect |
Peter | Barnett | United States | Todo-Repl![]() | Clojure |
Nikita | Beloglazov | Belarus | Nonojure Recognition![]() | Clojure |
John | Boyle | United States | Emiya![]() | Arc |
Pius von | D niken | Switzerland | Celine![]() | Clojure |
Robert | Day | United Kingdom | Github Issue Charts![]() | Clojure |
Evan | Donahue | United States | Boris The (Web) Spider![]() | Racket |
Sergii | Dymchenko | United States | SGoogle Code Jam Solver![]() | Commmon Lisp |
Jonas | Enlund | Finland | Learn Datalog Today!![]() | Clojure |
Thomas | Fitzsimmons | Canada | Emacs Slime Volleyball![]() | Emacs Lisp |
E. Cayenne | Geis | United States | Blocks in Space![]() | Clojure |
Eric | Gesell | United States | Vulture![]() | Clojure |
Saupin | Guillaume | France | Lisphys![]() | Commmon Lisp |
Martin | Haesler | United Kingdom | MetalHead![]() | Commmon Lisp |
Sean | Johnson | United States | Falkland CMS![]() | Clojure |
Thorsten | Jolitz | Germany | iOrg![]() | PicoLisp |
Zachary | Kanfer | United States | Unit-test.arc![]() | Arc |
Cory | Koch | United States | Prayer Times![]() | Emacs Lisp |
Mu | Lei | China | Artanis![]() | Scheme |
Ryan | McGowan | United States | Manners![]() | Clojure |
Javier | Olaechea | Peru | trolling-success![]() | Commmon Lisp |
Denis | Papathanasiou | United States | Tweet-secret![]() | Clojure |
Sibi | Prabakaran | India | Clj-uclassify![]() | Clojure |
Akshay | Srinivasan | United States | Matlisp-tensor![]() | Commmon Lisp |
Margit | Szendrei | Hungary | Propositional Logic![]() | Scheme |
Fengnian | Tian | Netherlands | E-Toothbrush![]() | Commmon Lisp |
Leo | Zovic | Canada | Deal![]() | Commmon Lisp |
( sponsored by LispNYC, ClojureNYC
the Association of Lisp Users
and you )