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LISP In Summer Projects Programming Competition Winners
We thank all the participants that contributed to the Lisp In Summer Projects Programming Competition. We are pleased to announce the Grand Prize and Second Prize winners.
The Grand Prize winner is Jonas Enlund of Finland who implemented CLJS Fiddle in the area of Software Development is awarded a $2000.00 cash prize.
CLJSFiddle is a ClojureScript playground web application similar to JSFiddle and JSBin. The application lets people write, execute, save and share ClojureScript programs without leaving their web browser.
Seven Second Prize winners are each awarded a $500 cash prize. These include Ryan Pavlik (CL-Autowrap
), Dogadailo Victorovich (MetaJS
), Janne Nykopp(Notewhacker
), Emanuele Acri (Prolog-talk
), Thomas Kristensen(Propaganda
), Cong-Xin Qiu (Schemanian
) and Lars Tveito (Shared Buffer
We are also awarding a Certificate of Awesome to those exceptional projects that received a high score from our judges.
We initially received 418 signups from 55 countries. From those we received a total of the 65 completed projects from 22 countries across 7 different dialects of Lisp including Clojure, Common Lisp, Racket and Scheme.
We thank our Finalist Judges. We are recognizant of their participation and are grateful to them for having devoted their time and effort given their demanding schedules.
Matthias Felleisen, Rich Hickey, Peter Norvig, Christian Queinnec and Taiichi Yuasa
We are also most grateful to our Coding and Language Judges who had the arduous responsibility of reviewing the code, installing and running the projects and carefully perusing the writeups and diagrams. We are extremely thankful to these judges for their outstanding efforts without which we could not have had this competition.
Jans Aasman, Marco Antonietti, Marc Battyani, Aaron Bedra, David Bergman, David Cooper, Joe Corneli, John Cowan, Timothy Daly, Paul deGrandis, Heow Goodman, Aysylu Greenberg, David Greenberg, Michael Hannemann, Hans Hübner, Rainer Joswig, Samantha Kleinberg, Hisao Kuroda, Beryl Nelson, David Nolen, Kent Pitman, Raymond Puzio, Nancy Reed, Francois-Rene Rideau, Manuel Serrano, Peter Seibel, Chris Shea, Stuart Sierra, Arthur Smyles, Kenneth Tilton, Win Treese, Didier Verna, Ernst van Waning, Espen Vester, Marc Watson and Edmund Weitz
Finally we thank our generous sponsors for providing financial support for the named award accomplishments:
Genworks, provider of General-purpose Declarative Language, has generously sponsored two Lisp In In Summer Projects prizes.
The first Genworks Prize goes to Dogadailo Dmytro Victorovich for MetaJS. The second Genworks Prize goes to Emanuele Acri for Prolog-Talk.
JaneSt, an international financial trading firm highly invested in functional programming, has also graciously provided funds for two Lisp In Simmer Project Prizes.
The first JaneSt Prize goes to Cong-Xin Qiu for Schemannian. The second JaneSt Prize goes to Thomas Greve Kristensen for Propaganda.
In closing we once again thank everybody involved in this event. We were all very impressed with the quality of the submissions and the efficacy of the judges. This year’s Lisp in Summer Projects Programming Competition was a huge success. We look forward to having another competition in the near future.
We ask as many of you as possible to please share the exciting news of the Grand Prize Winner Announcement and other awarded prizes.
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( sponsored by LispNYC, ClojureNYC
the Association of Lisp Users
and you )